Create prefilled form in Airtable

Hello friends!! Today we’ll be learning about the prefilled form in Airtable. Airtable is a spreadsheet-database hybrid, with the features of a database but applied to a spreadsheet. One of the important features is form view.

Sometimes we have to send prefilled form the users to make their life easier. It can be achieve with minor tweaking on the form URL.

Step 1: Grid view for Airtable

Grid view can be used to check the data filled in form check here.

Step 2: Create a form

Create a form with the fields you want to have in the form

Step 3: Create a formula field in the grid view

Create a new formula field in grid view in the format below

"Form URL?"&"prefill_column1="&{column1}&"prefill_column2="&{column2}&"prefill_column3="&{column3}

I want Name and City name to be prefilled. So , I’ve select {Name} and {City} in the URL.

 ""& {Name} & "&prefill_City="& {City}

Keep visiting Analytics Tuts for more tutorials.

Thanks for reading! Comment your suggestions and queries.

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