Plot over multiple pages using ggplot in R

Hello friends! Today we’ll be learning how to create plots over multiple pages and export as pdf using ggplot in R. Easy to follow code with sample file attached in the tutorial.

Import Packages


Import Data and manipulation

df <- read.csv("df.csv")
#getting count of rows and changing to df
df1 <- df %>% group_by(AREA.NAME,month,year) %>% summarise( CrimeCount = n())
df2 <- 
#factoring month column for plotting
df2$month <- as.factor(df2$month)
#recode month to monthName
df2 <- df2 %>% mutate(MonthName = recode(month, 
"1" = "Jan",
"2" = "Feb",
"3" = "Mar",
"4" = "Apr",
"5" = "May",
"6" = "Jun",
"7" = "Jul",
"8" = "Aug",
"9" = "Sep",
"10" = "Oct",
"11" = "Nov",
"12" = "Dec"


p <- ggplot(df2) +  geom_point(aes(MonthName, CrimeCount)) +  facet_wrap_paginate(~ year+AREA.NAME, ncol = 5, nrow = 2)

Exporting to individual pdf files

#removing if there is any file 
#exporting to individual pdf files

for(i in 1:n_pages(p)){
p_save <-  p + 
facet_wrap_paginate(~ year+AREA.NAME, ncol = 5, nrow = 2, page = i)
ggsave(plot = p_save, height = 7 , width = 7 * 2.5, filename = paste0('exportChart_', i, '.pdf'))
#combining pdf

pdf_combine(input =
output = "mergefinal.pdf")
#removing the individual plots

for(i in 1:n_pages(p)){
file.remove(paste0("exportChart_",i, '.pdf'))

Check the working code with file here

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